Paying Your Citation


IN-PERSON payments are accepted at the Dispatch Window, Public Safety Building, 321 South Fourth Street – open 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week. Payments can be in the form of Cash, Check or Money Order. Credit and Debit cards are accepted with a convenience fee either  IN-PERSON  or  ONLINE at –  

Pay Citation(s) Online

 [Note: You will need to enter your citation/ticket number for this service.
If you do not have your citation/ticket number available, you can
contact the Court office (608-873-6676). If you are on a payment plan,
enter the words "PAYMENT PLAN" in the box for ticket number.]

When MAILING a payment, please DO NOT SEND CASH. Checks or Money Orders must be made payable to the City of Stoughton and mailed to the Stoughton Municipal Court, 321 South Fourth Street, Stoughton, WI  53589 


If you are unable to pay the Judgment amount in full on or before the due date, you may call the Court Office, 608-873-6676, to request an extension or payment plan. You also have the right to request a hearing to determine if you are indigent. A request for an extension, payment plan or indigency hearing must be made prior to the due date. If, however, the Court does not receive your payment, your request for an extension, a payment plan, or a hearing by the due date, one or more of the following will occur without further notice to you:

      • The Department of Motor Vehicles may suspend your Driver’s License for up to one (1) year 

      • or suspend your ability to obtain a Driver’s License for up to one (1) year;

      • Your fine may be placed with the Department of Revenue for tax intercept and/or collection action; and

      • A Warrant may be issued for your arrest and you may be committed to the Dane County Jail